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To recharge your WONDERBOOM 2 speaker, plug the included charging cable into the micro-USB port located inside the weather door. Never charge your speaker if the micro-USB port, charging cable or connectors are wet, dirty or damaged. If you’ve used your speaker in a swimming pool or the ocean, we highly recommend that you thoroughly rinse your speaker with fresh water after using it. Once clean, allow the speaker to air dry completely before charging it. While the speaker is waterproof, the chemicals and salt in your pool or the ocean can damage the waterproof seals over time if not rinsed off after use.
The micro-USB charging cable included with your speaker is not waterproof. Always charge your speaker with a clean, dry micro-USB connector. If you think your cable or connector has been compromised in any way by water or other contaminants, do not use it to charge your speaker. Contact us for a replacement cable.
Wichtiger Hinweis: Für eine bessere Benutzererfahrung werden Logitech Presentation-Geräte jetzt von Logi Options+ unterstützt. Wir empfehlen dringend, Logi Options+ in Verbindung mit Ihren Präsentations-Fernsteuerungen zu verwenden. Während dieser Übergangsphase stehen wir Ihnen gern zur Seite.
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Onboard Memory Manager is out of date. Please update to the most recent release.
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