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The LED on the microphone should be on. If it is not on please try the following:
A different USB cable with the same USB port
Different USB type A port on your computer with the originally supplied cable.
Common issues:
Some newer laptops only have USB type-C ports. If you’re using an adapter, please use a 1 to 1 adapter (One USB type-A jack for each USB type C jack).
Avoid using hubs or docks where possible, especially if they have intermediate software for device detection and management. Test the device with a USB port directly on the computer.
Mobile and tablet adapters may not provide adequate power or recognition for Blue Microphones.
Wichtiger Hinweis: Für eine bessere Benutzererfahrung werden Logitech Presentation-Geräte jetzt von Logi Options+ unterstützt. Wir empfehlen dringend, Logi Options+ in Verbindung mit Ihren Präsentations-Fernsteuerungen zu verwenden. Während dieser Übergangsphase stehen wir Ihnen gern zur Seite.
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Onboard Memory Manager is out of date. Please update to the most recent release.
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