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Microsoft Flight Simulator Plug-in
Enables the use of the Logitech Flight Panels in Microsoft Flight Simulator
Why Update?
Adds support for all Logitech Flight Panels (Instrument, Switch, Multi and Radio) into Microsoft Flight Simulator.
This update fixes the issue with the Avionics Master Switch on the Flight Switch Panel not working.
Please note: for cold & dark starts with aircraft not equipped with an Avionics Master Switch you will still need to turn the Avionics Switch from the Flight Switch Panel on in order for the Radio and Multi Panel to operate. If you do not own a Flight Switch Panel then you will need to assign a button on your controller or a key on your keyboard to the Avionics 1 ON function in the controls section of Flight Simulator in order to turn the Radio and Multi Panel on when performing a cold & dark start.
Wichtiger Hinweis: Für eine bessere Benutzererfahrung werden Logitech Presentation-Geräte jetzt von Logi Options+ unterstützt. Wir empfehlen dringend, Logi Options+ in Verbindung mit Ihren Präsentations-Fernsteuerungen zu verwenden. Während dieser Übergangsphase stehen wir Ihnen gern zur Seite.
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