The Logitech Squeezebox Controller App can control players on both and a local Squeezebox Server.
Smartphone or tablet connected to a cellular data network
When the device you've loaded the App on is only connected to a cellular data network, you'll only be able to control Squeezebox players connected to your account. This is the same account you entered when you first launched the App.
Smartphone or tablet connected to a local Wi-Fi network
The Squeezebox Controller App will work if your device is connected to a local Wi-Fi network. You'll be able to control players connected to You can also control players connected to a local Squeezebox Server, provided the computer it's installed on is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the smartphone or tablet device.
Contact information
Need help? See Knowledge Base article 23036 for how to contact Logitech Customer Care about this product.
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