To uninstall Logitech Options Software, first select your operating system:
Then, choose which method you want to use to uninstall the software. You can uninstall it from the Control Panel or by running UnInstaller.exe.
Windows 8
NOTE: Windows 8.1 is shown in the following examples.
Uninstall using the Control Panel
Navigate to the Windows Start Screen, and right-click on the Logitech Options app.
In the pop-up menu, click Uninstall. The Windows 8 Control Panel will launch and the Programs and Features window will appear.
In the list of installed programs, select Logitech Options, and then click Uninstall. The Logitech Options Uninstaller will launch.
In the Logitech Options Uninstaller window, click Uninstall.
Follow the on-screen instructions to remove Logitech Options from your computer.
Uninstall using Uninstaller.exe
Navigate to: C:\Program Files\Logitech\LogiOptions.
Double-click UnInstaller.exe. The Logitech Options Uninstaller will launch.
In the Logitech Options Uninstaller window, click Uninstall.
Follow the on-screen instructions to remove Logitech Options from your computer.
Windows 7
Uninstall using the Control Panel
Navigate to: Control Panel > Programs and Features.
Select Logitech Options from the list of installed programs and then click Uninstall. The Logitech Options Uninstaller will launch.
In the Logitech Options Uninstaller window, click Uninstall.
Follow the on-screen instructions to remove Logitech Options from your computer.
Uninstall using Uninstaller.exe
Navigate to: C:\Program Files\Logitech\LogiOptions.
Double-click UnInstaller.exe. The Logitech Options Uninstaller will launch.
In the Logitech Options Uninstaller window, click Uninstall.
Follow the on-screen instructions to remove Logitech Options from your computer.
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