If you are using the G700 in Wireless mode, remove the USB receiver from your computer's USB port and store the receiver in the battery tray.
If you are using the G700 in Wired mode, unplug the USB cable from both your computer and mouse.
On the bottom of the mouse, move the power switch to "Off" for 5 seconds, then back to "On".
Plug the G700 USB cable into the mouse.
Plug the G700 USB cable directly into a working USB port on your computer.
NOTE: Do not use the included USB extension cable with your G700's USB cable. Only use the extension with the USB receiver.
If the mouse does not function after following those steps, please see Knowledge Base article 18026. If your mouse does function, and you want to use the mouse in Wireless mode, then continue below.
If you wish to use the G700 in Wireless mode:-
Leave the mouse switched to "On"
Remove the USB receiver from the battery tray of the G700
Unplug the USB cable from the PC and the mouse
Plug the included USB extension cable into the USB port you just removed the cable from (optional, recommended for desktop PCs)
Plug the USB receiver into the USB extender (if used) or directly into the USB port you just removed the G700's USB cable from.
Wait for your PC to finish installing the hardware, if required
Test mouse for movement
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