When you first set up your Harmony Link or any time you add a new device (for example, TV, cable or satellite receiver, DVD player, VCR, etc.) to your home entertainment configuration, you'll need to provide us with the manufacturer and model number information for each device you want your Harmony remote to control.
To locate manufacturer information
You can usually find the manufacturer name (for example, Sony or Panasonic) on the front of the device, on a label on the back or side of the device, or in the user manual for that device.
Tips for identifying manufacturer information:
- May also be referred to as "make" or "brand name"
- Typically located on the front of the device
- Sometimes included on the label with the Model Number
To locate model number information
On most devices, you can usually find the model number on a label located on the front, back, side, or bottom. If you can't find the model number on the device itself, look in the user manual that came with the device.
Tips for identifying model number information:
- May also be referred to as "Model" or "M/N"
- Usually located on a label on the front, back or bottom of the device
- Model number may be different than model name
- Also found in the device's user manual
- NOT the model number on the old remote control
- NOT the serial number (SN) which is usually much longer
- Examples include: CT-36XF36C, Explorer 3100, L32 HDTV 10A, etc.
For more information
If you'd like more help locating manufacturer and model number information, you can download a worksheet to record this information.
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