To configure the applets that display on your G-Series keyboards's LCD screen:
Launch the Logitech Gaming Software 7.x (Start > Logitech > Logitech Gaming Software 7.x).
Click on the LCD screen icon on the bottom of the window.
This will bring up the LCD configuration window.
NOTE: Depending on your G-Series keyboard, you may have a different set of options under Display Options. Also, color-specific applets, like the LCD Movie Viewer, will only be visible on G-Series keyboards that have full-color screens.
To enable or disable an applet, click on the check box next to it.
NOTE: You can quickly see all of the currently enabled applets here, each of which will have a checkmark next to it.
To see if an applet is configurable, right-click on the applet's name. If the text is grey and you can't click Configue, you won't be able to configure that LCD applet.
If the text is colored and you can click Configure, the LCD applet has additional options you can control.
For example, these are the options for the LCD Clock applet:
If you make any configuration changes, click OK to save them.
NOTE: You will only be able to configure applets that are preinstalled with the Logitech software, or third-party applets that have been installed to the Logitech Gaming Software folder. Game-specific applets that are directly integrated into third-party games may not be configurable through the Logitech software.
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