Your earphones come with an assortment of silicone ear cushions. The available sizes are x-small, small and medium.
Proper fitting is achieved when:
Earphones sit comfortably in your ear.
Earphones do not fall out of your ear.
The sound is rich and full.
To find your best fit, please do the following:
Place one small cushion in your ear.
Gently move the earphones as you press them in to form a seal.
If the cushion feels too large, or bounces back out after you press it in, you may need the x-small size cushion.
If the cushion feels too small, slips out easily or loses sound quality quickly, you may need to use the medium size cushion.
If you find that all size cushions fall out easily, try inserting them with your jaw slightly open.
The optimal fit is usually found through a combination of trial and error. You may need to experiment over the first few days in order to find your ideal fit.
NOTE: Pairs of ears are not always the same size - you may find that using mismatched earpieces provides the best fit.