This article applies to the following products:
All Logitech USB Headsets, Microphones and Speaker Systems
This article applies to the following operating systems:
Windows XP
Windows 98
Windows Vista
Macintosh OS 10.2.8 and above
The following instructions will assist you in updating or installing audio drivers for your computer.
Windows 98:
If you have Windows 98 or later, the USB audio driver is already included with your operating system. However, for Windows 98, you may also need your Windows CD to install the driver.
Windows XP:
When using Windows XP and Windows XP Service Pack 1, the operating system may not find the driver. This is a known issue that is resolved by installing the latest service pack together with a patch. To download these patches, visit the Microsoft web site and search for knowledgebase articles Q322389 and then Q822603.
NOTE: The necessary updates are already included with Windows XP Service Pack 2, so you will not need to download the above updates if you already have Service Pack 2 installed.
Windows Vista:
When using Windows Vista, you may find during the first start up your computer you will need to enable Automatic Updates to get the latest USB drivers. This is because factory Vista installs do not have the post-launch series of updated USB drivers. A sure sign of this is if your computer asks for a driver disk after connecting a Logitech USB Audio product.
Macintosh OS X:
USB drivers are already installed in Mac OS X. If you are experiancing problems with OSX's audio drivers, run your system update from the Apple Menu or use the "Disk Repair" utility found on your OSX Install Disk. For more information about how to perform these functions, please visit Apple.Com's Support Website.
Frequently Asked Questions
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