To clear out your Logitech Media Server cache and preferences:
NOTE: Doing this will set your Media Library name, Media folder locations, and account information back to the default settings.
Go to System Preferences and open Logitech Media Server.
NOTE: If you're running MAC OS 10.6 or later, you may see a message saying Logitech Media Server needs to quit and reopen. If so, click OK.
In the Logitech Media Server Preference Pane, click Stop Server.
Go to the Advanced tab and select the check boxes for:
- "Delete preference files"
- "Clean cache folder, including music database, artwork cache etc."
Then, click Run Cleanup.
Go to the Status tab and, under Server Status, click Start Server.
Next, you'll need to set up your Media Library name, Media folder locations, and Mysqueezebox.Com account. Here's how:
Go to the Library tab and set your:
- Media Library name
- Media folder locations
- Playlist folder location
- iTunes settings
Go to the Account tab and enter your MySqueezebox.Com account credentials.
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