If Microsoft Silverlight is asking you to reinstall after you have already done so, you can try a reinstall. Here's how:
Windows XP / Vista / 7
Open the Control Panel.
Open Programs and Features.
Find and select Microsoft Silverlight.
Right-click and select Uninstall.
Windows 8
On the Start screen, type control panel.
Search for Microsoft Silverlight, and select Uninstall.
Visit myharmony.com and sign in again. You'll be prompted to download and reinstall Silverlight.
Double-click the hard drive icon on your desktop.
Navigate to /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/.
Drag Silverlight.plugin and WPFe.plugin to your trash bin.
Visit myharmony.com and sign in again. You'll be prompted to download and reinstall Silverlight.
After installation, force quit your web browser from the menu bar.
Reopen your browser.
If this doesn't resolve the issue, you might try a more advanced troubleshooting step to uninstall Silverlight. You can use an automated script or remove them manually.
To remove these files using the automated script, click the link that says, "MyHarmony keeps asking me to install Microsoft Silverlight." This is located at the bottom of the pop-up window that tells you to download Microsoft Silverlight. Follow the instructions on that page.
To remove these files manually:
Make all "INVISIBLE FILES" visible in Finder:
In Finder, choose File > Find (or press Command (
Select Other from the far-left pop-up Kind menu.
In the list of search attributes, select the "File invisible" checkbox, and then click OK.
In the related menu, choose "Invisible Items".
Find and delete the Hidden Microsoft Files, and then reinstall Silverlight:
Go to Private > VAR > db > Receipts.
Delete all items that start with "com.microsoft.silverlight."
- /private/var/db/receipts/com.microsoft.installSilverlightPlugin.bom
- /private/var/db/receipts/com.microsoft.installSilverlightPlugin.plist
- /private/var/db/receipts/com.microsoft.SilverlightInstaller.bom
- /private/var/db/receipts/com.microsoft.SilverlightInstaller.plist
Also delete:
- Mac HD/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Silverlight
- Mac HD/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Silverlight
- home/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin
- home/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Silverlight
Clear the "File invisible" check box to return Finder to normal mode.
After deleting these files, force quit any open web browsers from the menu bar. Open your web browser again, and sign in on myharmony.com. You'll be prompted to install the Silverlight plugin.
Also, you may need to check your security settings for your browsers to make sure you can access your account. To access your settings on:
Select Safari from the Menu bar.
Select Preferences > Security > Manage Website Settings > Harmony Plug-In.
Change the setting for “When visiting other websites” to Allow, and then click Done.
NOTE: The default setting is Ask.
Click Trust in the “Do you want to trust the website” pop-up window.
Force quit Safari from the Menu bar and re-launch myharmony.com.
Go to Add-on Manager.
Click the Plugins tab.
Select ”Always Activate” for Harmony and Silverlight plugins.
NOTE: This applies to Microsoft Explorer 9+ users.
Accessing myharmony.com from Microsoft Internet Explorer 9+ may cause repeated prompts to install Logitech Harmony Software and Microsoft Silverlight even after they've been installed. This issue can be caused when ActiveX filtering is enabled.
To fix this, you can disable ActiveX filtering. Here's how:
Open Microsoft Internet Explorer 9+.
Click the tools (gear) icon in the upper-right corner.
Select Internet options.
Click the Security tab.
Click Custom level….
Under "ActiveX controls and plug-ins," select Disable for Allow ActiveX Filtering.
Click OK and then click Yes on the Warning dialog box that appears.
Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.
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