NOTE: To learn more about On-Board Memory, see answer null.
Enabling On-Board Memory
To enable On-Board Memory:
Open the Logitech Gaming Software:
Start > All Programs > Logitech > Logitech Gaming Software 8.x
Make sure the blue marker next to the icon is to the left.
The mouse will now be in On-Board Memory mode and all of the customizations you make will be written directly to the mouse.
Configuring On-Board Memory
To configure On-Board Memory:
Open the Logitech Gaming Software:
Start > All Programs > Logitech > Logitech Gaming Software 8.x
Click the glowing pointer-gear icon.
The screen will now change to show the configuration view.
Under DPI Sensitivity Levels, drag the tick mark along the graph. For each DPI level you set, you'll see a tick mark. You can set up to five.
NOTE: If you prefer, you can edit the list of DPI values to the left of the graph from 200-12000. For each DPI level you set, you'll see a tick mark rounded to the nearest 50. For example, if you type in "632", the software will round to 650 DPI.
Assign Default - (Required) One DPI level must always be the default. To change the default, click a DPI level that doesn't have a blue diamond above it, and then click Assign Default. This is the DPI level the mouse will return to when you:
- Press the default DPI button
- Switch between profiles
- Power up the computer
- Wake the computer from sleep mode
Change the Report Rate, if you prefer something other than the default of 1000 reports/second (1ms response time). The Report Rate controls how often your mouse updates its position to the computer. The possible range is from 125/sec (8ms response time) to 1000/sec (1ms response time).
You can:
- Decrease processor use by reducing the report rate.
- Increase the mouse response by raising the report rate.
TIP: For most PCs, a report rate of 500 is recommended.
To change a button assignment, right click on a button and select Edit.
You can have the button perform either a Mouse Function, a Keystroke or a Multikey Macro.
When you assign a keystroke to the button, note that the software retains the modifier presses. For example, to assign Ctrl+Alt+3, press and release Ctrl, then Alt, then 3. To remove modifier keys, press the Clear button.
Click OK to save your function to the button.