You can use Logitech Options to customize the action that is triggered when you perform one of the four gestures available on your mouse.
See Use gestures on the M535 / M336 / M337 mouse for more information on how to use gestures.
To associate an action with a gesture:
You can also associate an application or a keystroke to a gesture button.
To launch an application:
To assign a custom keystroke:
See Use gestures on the M535 / M336 / M337 mouse for more information on how to use gestures.
To associate an action with a gesture:
- Start Logitech Options:
Start > All Programs > Logitech > Logitech Options - Select the Mouse tab in the top left corner left of the Logitech Options window.
- Select one of the buttons on the mouse by clicking on the blue circle next to the button. The options list for the button appears.
- Select Gesture button.
NOTE: By default, the Windows management set of gestures is selected.
- Media Controls
- Pan
- Zoom/Rotate
- Navigate windows
- Arrange windows
- In the Gesture button list, select Custom.
- In the lower right pane, click on Customize.
- Click on one of the four gesture arrows and then select an option from the list to assign to it. As soon as you make your selection, it is saved.
- Click on the “X” in the corner to close the window.
You can also associate an application or a keystroke to a gesture button.
To launch an application:
- Select Launch Application from the list.
- In the File name box, enter the full path to the application, or locate it using the Browse button.
To assign a custom keystroke:
- Select Keystroke assignment.
- In the File name box, click in the white box and then enter a keystroke combination.
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