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The headset may be running out of battery power. Use the USB cable to charge the headset. The headset indicator light will display a pulsing white light while the headset charges.
If voice prompts are enabled, you can long press the touch controls to hear how much battery is left. You can also use the Logi Tune app to check the battery life.
If the issue persists, keep the charging cable plugged in and perform a hardware reset on your headset.
To hardware reset, press and hold the call button and ANC button at the same time, slide the power slide to pairing position (towards the Bluetooth icon), then release all three at once.
If you’re still experiencing connection issues, please contact Support.
Aviso importante: Los dispositivos Logitech Presentation ahora son compatibles con Logi Options+ para ofrecer una mejor experiencia. Recomendamos ampliamente usar Logi Options+ con tus remotos para presentaciones. Estamos aquí para ayudarte durante esta transición.
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