The person I'm talking to complains of a lot of background noise. How can I minimize this?
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If you’re getting complaints from the party on the other side of a call with your Tarah earbuds, try the following as applicable:
Use the included Tarah shirt clip to keep the microphone or inline remote from swaying or rubbing on your clothing.
If you’re doing something active, try pausing the activity for the duration of the call.
If you are in a noisy environment, try moving to somewhere quieter.
Try bringing the microphone close to your mouth.
Tärkeä huomautus:Logi Options+ tukee nyt Logitech Presentation -laitteita, jotta saat entistä paremman käyttökokemuksen. Suosittelemme käyttämään Logi Options+ -sovellusta esityskaukosäätimien kanssa. Saat meiltä apua siirtymävaiheessa.
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