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You can use the Logitech Support site to help you identify your Logitech webcam.
Here’s how:
Locate your webcam’s identification (ID) tag. This tag is usually near the connector-end of the webcam’s USB connection cable.
Look for the webcam’s model number on the ID tag. The model number is typically labelled “M/N”.
Visit the Logitech Support site, and enter the webcam’s model number (M/N) in the Search Support text field, exactly as it appears on the webcam’s ID tag. Tap or click the Search button.
The listing for your webcam’s support page appears under the Products tab.
Tap or click on the product to go to its support page.
Remarque importante: Les dispositifs Logitech Presentation sont désormais pris en charge par Logi Options+ pour offrir une meilleure expérience. Nous vous recommandons vivement d'utiliser Logi Options+ avec vos télécommandes de présentation. Nous sommes là pour vous aider pendant cette transition.
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Onboard Memory Manager is out of date. Please update to the most recent release.
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