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Logitech G HUB
Logitech G HUB Software lets you customize Logitech G gaming mice, keyboards, headsets, speakers, and other devices
Why Update?
New Features - Windows System Tray - Control and adjust your LITRA Glow and LITRA Beam devices. - Adjust the settings on the G735 Wireless Gaming Headset.
- Activate Lights with Camera (BETA - Windows Only) - Use this feature to automatically turn your LITRA lights on and off with any camera.
New Device Support - G815/G813 RGB Low-Profile Mechanical Gaming Keyboard (White)
New Games - A Plague Tale: Requiem - Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® II - DRAGON BALL: THE BREAKERS - FIFA 2023 - Gotham Knights - Hard West 2 - New Tales from the Borderlands - Overwatch 2 - Scorn - Soulstice - Stranded: Alien Dawn - The DioField Chronicle
Bug Fixes - G915/G915 TKL - Fixed an issue where custom Freestyle effects were not saved to the device.
Fontos figyelmeztetés: A Logitech bemutatóeszközöket a jobb felhasználói élmény érdekében mostantól a Logi Options+ támogatja. Bemutató-távirányítóihoz javasoljuk a Logi Options+ használatát. Szívesen segítünk Önnek az átmenet során.
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