Sajnáljuk, hogy jelenleg nem tudjuk feldolgozni a kifizetéseket. Dolgozunk a problémán. Kérjük, nézzen vissza, vagy lépjen kapcsolatba az Ön által preferált helyi kiskereskedővel.
Nem állnak rendelkezésre dokumentumok ehhez a termékhez. Ha vannak kérdései, tekintse át a bal oldali menü témaköreit.
Ehhez a termékhez nincsenek pótalkatrészek
Nincsenek videók ehhez a termékhez
Ehhez a szoftverhez nincsenek Gyakori kérdések.
Ehhez a szoftverhez nem érhetők el dokumentumok. Ha vannak kérdései, tekintse át a bal oldali menü témaköreit.
Ehhez a szoftverhez nem érhetők el videók.
Why Update?
You’re just a few steps away from transforming your keyboard. By downloading iTouch software, you’ll be able to customize the time-saving F-keys and hot keys. In addition, you can easily program the iTouch keys to launch the applications of your choice.
Please note that the Logitech iTouch Web site is no longer available. As a result, your iTouch hot keys will not link you to an active Web page.
Will my iTouch software still work? Yes. Your Logitech keyboard and iTouch software will function normally. However, please reconfigure your iTouch hot keys. By downloading the software, you’ll be able to remap the iTouch keys to the application of your choice.
How do I reconfigure my iTouch hot keys? You can remap your iTouch hot keys to the function of your choice by following the instructions, below.
Will iTouch work if I have Windows Vista®? Unfortunately, iTouch software does not work with Windows Vista. If you have Windows Vista installed on your computer, please use the native Windows Vista keyboard drivers.
To reconfigure your iTouch hot keys using the keyboard, follow these steps:
Open the Web site, application, or folder you wish to assign to a hot key.
Press and hold the desired iTouch keyboard button* for three seconds. (*Note: Only the iTouch buttons on your keyboard may be assigned as hot keys.)
A confirmation message will appear at the bottom of your screen indicating that the new assignment has been stored. (Note: The Web site, application, or folder you selected is now assigned to that button and will be launched the next time you press the hot key.)
Repeat this process to assign all of your iTouch hot keys.
To reconfigure your hot keys using the iTouch software, follow these steps:
Open the iTouch control panel by selecting 'Start > All Programs > iTouch > iTouch Configuration' from the Windows® Start menu.
Select an iTouch button from the list of available buttons.
Select the desired function—Web site, menu, program, or key stroke— from the menu and complete the remaining fields.
Once the settings for all keys have been modified as desired, click OK to save. Repeat for each button as desired. (Note: The Web sites, applications, or commands you specified will be launched the next time you press the related iTouch hot key. )
Fontos figyelmeztetés: A Logitech bemutatóeszközöket a jobb felhasználói élmény érdekében mostantól a Logi Options+ támogatja. Bemutató-távirányítóihoz javasoljuk a Logi Options+ használatát. Szívesen segítünk Önnek az átmenet során.
Gyakori kérdések
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Nincs letöltés ehhez a termékhez
Onboard Memory Manager is out of date. Please update to the most recent release.
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