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Logitech Webcam Software with Vid HD
Why Update?
Logitech Webcam Software for Mac (OS X 10.5 - 10.6x only) supports the HD Pro C910 and HD C615 cameras. Record in 720p, 1080p and capture great 10 megapixel photos, and sharing your memories on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter is drag and drop simple.
The software includes Logitech Vid™ HD, the free, fast, and easy way to make video calls with your Logitech webcam. Now you can make 720p video calls from a Mac, and connect in HD to friends and family on a Mac, PC or TV with the Logitech Revue and TV Cam.
Vid HD is included with your Logitech webcam software, so that your webcam, microphone, and speakers will just work and be ready to make video calls.
Fontos figyelmeztetés: A Logitech bemutatóeszközöket a jobb felhasználói élmény érdekében mostantól a Logi Options+ támogatja. Bemutató-távirányítóihoz javasoljuk a Logi Options+ használatát. Szívesen segítünk Önnek az átmenet során.
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