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Starting with the 2023.3.394992 version of G HUB, Logitech will no longer support NVIDIA Broadcast technology on your headset or microphone within G HUB. There are alternative Noise Reduction technologies available in G HUB including BLUE VO!CE. You can also use your Logitech G gear with the standalone NVIDIA Broadcast app for the latest and greatest features
We always encourage you to upgrade to the latest version of G HUB for the best stability, security, and features for your Logitech G devices. We suggest that you try out the standalone NVIDIA Broadcast app to access the NVIDIA Broadcast features with your Logitech G gear.
Nota importante: I dispositivi Logitech Presentation sono ora supportati da Logi Options+ per un’esperienza migliore. Consigliamo vivamente di utilizzare Logi Options+ con i telecomandi per presentazioni. Siamo qui per assisterti durante questa transizione.
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Onboard Memory Manager is out of date. Please update to the most recent release.
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