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Logitech G HUB
Logitech G HUB Software lets you customize Logitech G gaming mice, keyboards, headsets, speakers, and other devices
Why Update?
New Features - Litra Glow - Rename Litra Glow devices from the device configuration page.
New Device Support - G502 X Gaming Mouse - G502 X LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Mouse - G502 X PLUS Wireless Gaming Mouse - G502 HERO Gaming Mouse (Star Guardian Edition)
New Games - ELEX II - Escape From Tarkov - F1® 2021 - F1® 22 - Insurgency: Sandstorm - Sifu - Sniper Elite 5 - Stray - V Rising - WWE 2K22
Bug Fixes Installer - Fixed an issue where the installation would fail on certain versions of Windows 10 Litra Glow - Fixed an issue where renaming a device would change the order of devices on the home page.
G29 Racing Wheel - Fixed an issue where the Operating Range may not be working as expected.
Audio - Fixed an issue where the user is asked to unplug/replug their audio device after a system restart. - Fixed an issue with surround sound not working as expected in some games.
Nota importante: I dispositivi Logitech Presentation sono ora supportati da Logi Options+ per un’esperienza migliore. Consigliamo vivamente di utilizzare Logi Options+ con i telecomandi per presentazioni. Siamo qui per assisterti durante questa transizione.
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