Getting Started - Rugged Combo 4 for iPad (10th Gen)
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Inserting your iPad
To insert iPad into Rugged Combo 4 / Touch:
Slide the bottom two corners of your iPad down until they’re seated securely into the bottom of the holder
Starting with the upper left corner — near the power button — snap the holder around the edge of the iPad
Lastly, slide your finger from the upper left towards the upper right, pulling the holder over the iPad
Removing your iPad
Removal of the iPad from the Rugged Combo 4 / Touch holder is easiest when started from the top left corner — near the power button. Slide the holder back, off the iPad and then move your way to the top right corner. Once the top has been removed, the bottom will slide out easily.
Nota importante: I dispositivi Logitech Presentation sono ora supportati da Logi Options+ per un’esperienza migliore. Consigliamo vivamente di utilizzare Logi Options+ con i telecomandi per presentazioni. Siamo qui per assisterti durante questa transizione.
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