How to stop the Logi Bolt app from running at startup on macOS
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Features from the Logi Bolt app have been moved to Logi Options+, enabling you to manage your device's software needs under one platform. Please install Logi Options+ to connect and customize your device, or click here to see how.
The easiest way to disable Logi Bolt from running at startup is to do it from the Dock.
Simply right-click on Logi Bolt in the Dock, hover over Options, and then uncheck Open at Login.
You can also do this by going to System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items. Select Logi Bolt and click on the minus button to disable the app from opening at login.
Nota importante: I dispositivi Logitech Presentation sono ora supportati da Logi Options+ per un’esperienza migliore. Consigliamo vivamente di utilizzare Logi Options+ con i telecomandi per presentazioni. Siamo qui per assisterti durante questa transizione.
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