Here are the Casa Touch gesture controls ready to help your productivity flow:
Tap to click — Tap with one finger to click.
Secondary click (right click) — Click or tap with two fingers.
Scroll — Slide two fingers up/down or right/left to scroll.
Zoom in or out — Pinch in with two fingers to zoom in or stretch out two fingers to zoom out.
Swipe between pages — Swipe left or right with two fingers to show the previous or next page.
Go home — Three fingers swipe up to go back to your homescreen.
Open app switcher — Three fingers swipe up, pausing before lifting the fingers.
Open Today view — Swipe right with two fingers from your Home Screen.
Open search from the Home Screen — Swipe down with two fingers from your Home Screen.
Switch between open apps — Three finger swipe left or right.
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